India’s 2036 Olympic bid can be jeopardised as IOA faces risk of potential IOC ban

New Delhi: The ongoing infighting and internal issues at the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) can potentially invite a ban from the International Olympic Committee and also jeopardise India’s bid to host the 2036 Olympics. The IOC has already suspended funding to India, citing the current conflict in the IOA and has urged the sports body to fix the ‘outstanding governing issues’.

IOC’s action came after the public fallout between IOA president PT Usha and the members of the Executive Council of the sporting body. Tensions between Usha and the Executive Council members have been escalating for months. However, the boiling point was reached after the IOC had to intervene in the matter and cut off vital monetary funding to the Indian Olympic body.

Usha and the EC members have been at war regarding various issues right from the appointment of Raghuram Iyer as the CEO of the IOA to allegations of financial mismanagement against the former India athlete. Usha was named in a CAG report that found ‘undue favours’ were given to Reliance in a faulty sponsorship agreement that led to a loss of Rs 24 crore to the IOA.

It was Usha, who had approved the sponsorship agreement pertaining to a hospitality lounge in Paris during the Paris Olympics this year. The EC members are also reportedly not happy with Usha’s ‘high-handedness’ in her leadership. Usha’s ongoing conflict with AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey, who is also part of the IOA Executive Council is no secret.

IOC suspends funds to India

Intervening in the matter, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided to suspend all payments to the Usha-led IOA until further notice. The IOC said it will only continue releasing direct payments to Indian athletes, who are benefiting from Olympic scholarships and have no idea about the ongoing infighting in the IOA.

“There are obvious ongoing internal disputes and governance issues facing the IOA including a number of reciprocal allegations which have been raised within the executive council. This situation creates a lot of uncertainty and needs clarification and therefore until further notice, the IOC and Olympic solidarity will not make any payments to the IOA, except for direct payments to athletes benefiting from Olympic scholarships,” IOC stated in a letter to the IOA, sent by James MacLeod, Director of NOC Relations and Olympic Solidarity.

The letter was marked to IOA president Usha, the EC members, Nita Ambani, who is the sole IOC member from India and the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). The decision was taken by the IOC in their executive board meeting on October 08. The Indian Olympic Association can risk a potential ban from the IOC if the ongoing internal issues are not resolved.

IOA was getting €1 million (Rs 9 crore approximately) annually from the IOC for the last four years. The funds were used for the athlete development programmes across the country. However, the IOC will not release the funds anymore after imposing a suspension on the Indian body.

PT Usha faces a no-confidence vote

President Usha is set to face a no-confidence vote in the IOA’s Special General Meeting (SGM) on October 25. The no-confidence vote has been proposed by the Executive Council. At least 12 of 15 members of the EC are in the favour of a no-confidence vote against Usha and are backing AIFF president Chaubey, who listed the no-confidence motion among other issues in a circular on behalf of the EC on October 10.

The no-confidence vote doesn’t only threaten Usha’s leadership as a successful motion can lead to her ouster, but it also poses a potential risk of destabilisation in the IOA. If the internal feud is not resolved amicably, it can come as a huge blow to India’s aspirations of hosting the Olympics in 2036. India’s sole IOC member Nita Ambani and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have already expressed optimism about hosting the showpiece event in the country in 2036.

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