Kathy Bates Shares Details on Her 100-Pound Weight-Loss

Weight loss is always a hot topic in the media, especially among Hollywood’s biggest stars. This includes Kathy Bates, who has been consistently making headlines about her appearance. The Matlock actor is ready to open up the conversation about her weight loss, sharing that she has lost 100 pounds in an interview with People.

In this video interview, Bates shared more on her weight loss journey—which was her response to her diabetes diagnosis.

“This was probably 6 or 7 years ago because I was diagnosed with diabetes,” Bates said in the interview, saying that the diagnosis started her path to intuitive eating. “It runs in my family, and I’ve seen what my father had gone through. He had a leg amputation…One of my sisters is dealing with it very seriously. It terrified me, and it just scared me straight and I thought, ‘I’ve got to do something.’”

We love that Bates was able to aim towards a nutritious eating pattern once diagnosed. And as she shows now, even with her diabetes diagnosis, she is highlighting a healthy lifestyle. If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with diabetes, here’s what EatingWell’s nutrition editor Jessica Ball, M.S., RD wants you to know.

“Diabetes is a common condition, affecting about 38 million Americans,” Ball says. “And while it might seem overwhelming for people when they’re diagnosed, there are several science-backed ways to manage it. Working with a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator are great places to start.”

Bates noted that once committed, she didn’t want to go back to her old habits and instead move forward in her health journey, saying that “there would be times where I would get to a plateau, and I would sort of slide back, but never too far.”

The actor changed her regular diet—which she admits used to regularly consist of burgers, soda and pizza. All of these foods can definitely be eaten in moderation within a healthy diet, but prioritizing more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins can be helpful for successful diabetes management.

“Getting diagnosed with diabetes doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite foods,” clarifies Ball. “But it can definitely help to be mindful of your overall eating pattern. Are you having a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day? Is there a source of protein and fiber at every meal and snack? Are you staying hydrated? These are important things to consider for those trying to manage their blood sugar levels.”

“There’s been a lot of talk of, ‘Oh, she’s done this on Ozempic,” she says about media coverage and fan response. “I just want to lay that to rest here. I lost about 80 pounds and the last 15 or 20 is always the hardest. And so when Ozempic came out… I went to my doctor,[andshesaid‘let’sgivethisago.’”Shealsostatedthatshewantsto“impressuponpeople”thatitwas“hardwork”forhertogettothispointinherweightloss.

GLP-1 medications like Ozempic are intended for those with diabetes to help control blood sugar levels. A side effect of this medication is that it can cause weight loss, so while Bates is the target demographic for this type of treatment, the reputation of Ozempic can often be perceived negatively.

“There’s a common misconception that GLP-1 medications, like Ozempic, are an ‘easy’ way to lose weight compared to diet and exercise. But that’s not the full picture,” shares Ball. “These medications are meant to be taken in conjunction with diet and lifestyle interventions, and that’s when they’re most effective. They can be a powerful tool for folks with diabetes to be able to improve their quality of life and meet their health goals, and they’re not just a method for quick weight loss.”

Bates shared, “I was determined, I was absolutely determined that I wasn’t going to gain the weight back, and that I was going to continue to lose, and that’s what I did.” She goes on to say that “it wasn’t some crazy diet that I was trying to follow. I was listening to my body. Then I felt in control.”

Overall, we love Bates’ approach to her diet: no fad diets, just intuitive eating and listening to her body. It’s a philosophy that we wholeheartedly agree with at EatingWell. The actor being so open about her diabetes diagnosis, her weight loss and taking GLP-1 medication is also something to be commended. These conversations are tough, but seeing a figure in the entertainment industry share their experiences is commendable.

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