If back pain persists then be careful, it may be a sign of some major disease.

Many people are troubled by back pain. This is a common problem. In such a situation, one gets relief by applying medicine or spraying it. Or you can reduce this pain by taking medicine. At the same time, if you are seeing some other symptoms along with back pain, then do not ignore it.

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Contact a doctor immediately. If you have persistent back pain. This could be a big problem. A spine specialist can examine you closely. If apart from your back, this pain has reached your legs, arms or chest. This may mean that the nerves are affected. This type of pain is sharp or like a burning sensation.

If you feel weakness, numbness, or tingling in your arms or legs, it may mean that your nerves are being compressed or damaged. These feelings should not be ignored.

Because they can make everyday activities difficult and affect your life. A spine specialist can perform tests to find the cause of the problem and suggest the right treatment to help you feel better.

If there has been an injury that affects the back. So it is very important to meet a spine specialist. If not checked, even small injuries can cause big problems.

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