These 5 symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency are visible on the face: Vitamin B12 Deficiency Signs

These 5 symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency are visible on the face

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Signs: Vitamin B12 deficiency affects many parts of the body, but some specific symptoms are seen on the face. Let us know about their symptoms-

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Signs: Vitamin B12 deficiency can appear as many symptoms on your body and face. Vitamin B12 is essential nutritious It is an element which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells in the body and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Due to its lack various Health There may be problems. Here are the 5 main symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency that appear on the face:

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Vitamin B12 deficiency reduces the production of red blood cells, causing the skin to appear pale or pale yellow. This is called anemia, which is a major sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. The facial skin gradually starts losing color and gives a yellow feeling.

Due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, the body does not get enough oxygen, because there is a deficiency of red blood cells. Due to this, the effect of tiredness and weakness starts appearing on the face. The face may look dull and tired, and dark circles may form under the eyes.


Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a problem called glossitis, in which the tongue becomes red and swollen. Sometimes redness also appears on the lips and pain may be felt on the tongue. This is one of the most obvious symptoms of deficiency.

In some people, vitamin B12 deficiency causes dark spots or pigmentation to appear on the skin, especially on the face. Some areas of the skin may become dark or spotted, which may be a sign of a deficiency.

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause Angular Cheilitis, in which cracks and swelling appear at the corners of the mouth. These cracks can be painful and are clearly visible on the face.

If any of these symptoms are visible on the face, it is possible that your body is deficient in Vitamin B12. In such a situation, it is important to get proper medical advice and include foods or supplements containing Vitamin B12 in your diet.

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