3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On October 20, 2024

On October 20, 2024, three zodiac signs overcome self-doubt and find their true happiness. We may find that the road to true happiness is paved with effort and willpower.

During this day’s astrological event, the Waning Gibbous Moon in Cancer, we may find that all we need is that one last push to get us over the hump. We could back out and get lazy, but we are sure that will get us nowhere.

Getting nowhere has no place in our lives anymore. We know in our hearts that we want to be happy; it’s that simple. But we also know that the simplicity of happiness relies upon our getting over self-doubt and all that comes with that. Three zodiac signs understand that we must look deeply at ourselves in the mirror and reach a conclusion.

Do we stay, or do we go? It’s really that simple, though easy it may not be. This takes guts; if we are to believe in ourselves again, we must do some heavy lifting. The good part? It works.

Three zodiac signs overcome self-doubt and find true happiness on October 20, 2024:

1. Taurus

Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

If you want to get through the dark days finally, you must be the one who brings the light, Taurus. You see just how dark it can get; you’ll have to be the sun that shines a light on all that can become ‘better.’

You have given enough time and energy to doubt yourself. Where has it gotten you? Nowhere, or instead, nowhere better than you were just yesterday. You’ll have a chance to change all that because you notice your options have changed.

It doesn’t seem that you’ve signed a contract with depression or self-doubt and that overcoming these things is far easier for you to do when you know that true happiness is on the other side of the effort it takes to get there. So, off you go, Taurus. New journeys to new destinations, and all of them are positive and hopeful.

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness october 20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

You didn’t think this day would come, and yet, not only is it here, but it is quite demanding, and oddly enough, you’re ready for the challenge. You’ll see that you have a choice: stick with the power of letting yourself fall into the abyss.

Oh, now that’s a heck of a choice, wouldn’t you say, Cancer? You’ll opt for true happiness, no matter what it takes to get there because the abyss doesn’t sound like a place you want to spend your life in.

So, that will require some major wrangling on your part, which implies that if you are being stifled by self-doubt, then that’s your number one target. You must rid yourself of this doubt, Cancer, as it is doing you no good. Choose happiness, and make your world revolve around that plight.

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3. Fish

pisces zodiac signs overcome self-doubt find true happiness october 20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

You know you want true happiness and are tired of thinking of this as a pipe dream. Heck, you feel you are entitled to what everyone else wants, and you know that you’ve been in your way on this account for what might total up to ‘years.’

Well, enough is enough. You’ve done the self-work, and you’ve come such a long way that you are no longer ready to accept that you should buckle down every time a doubt within you comes up. Because of the Waning Gibbous in Cancer, you’ll have a choice: doubt yourself and miss out, or shove that wastrel aside and go for the gold.

October 20 symbolizes your move into self-confidence and true self-belief. You are no longer a slave to your worst opinion of yourself; wow, what a true waste of time that was…indeed! Now, you feel you want to get your piece of the pie, so…go for it, Pisces. Grab it!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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