People suffering from obesity develop mental illnesses.



Latest News:- In today's lifestyle, everyone eats outside fried food. They like this food so much that they forget to eat their home-cooked food. Now due to this very reason the person becomes fat and his body becomes shapeless due to which he feels embarrassed in going out.

  • When a person goes out, he gets to hear a lot of things. Everyone looks at such a person in a bad light and condemns him and makes fun of him. Now, after hearing and seeing so much, such a person keeps thinking about himself day and night and keeps examining his body. Due to which he has to suffer from mental stress. Now in such a situation the person becomes irritable and starts getting angry at his own family members. His family life starts deteriorating and he starts fighting with his wife and children.
  • Now his life starts becoming hell as he starts fighting and quarreling with everyone and becomes a victim of loneliness. In such a situation, the person starts living alone and due to this he goes into depression. This depression becomes so dominant that the person feels uncomfortable and one day he becomes crazy.
  • It takes a very long time for a person to come out of this situation because his self-confidence is also lost. You should not misbehave with such a person and should make him understand that he also has a different identity in the society. Such a person should take the help of yoga and pranayama to get rid of this disease. You should drink hot water every morning after waking up, it eliminates obesity from your body. Drinking hot water removes the dirt inside our body.


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