Census will include details of citizens' eating habits and mobile usage.

Census: The Central Government has decided to include some new information in the census to be held next year, which will include details of the food habits and mobile usage of the citizens of the entire country including Madhya Pradesh. During the census, information will be taken about the type of grains people use in their food, especially focus will be on the use of millets (coarse grains), because the central government is trying to increase their production and use. For this, a column has been included in the census format, in which the eating habits of every family will be recorded. Along with this, the government will also conduct a survey of the use of mobile phones in rural areas, so that it can be known how many Percentage of people are using mobile phones. The government estimates that despite the mobile revolution, 100 percent people in the country do not use mobile phones, especially in rural areas. This information will be used to decide future development plans and policies.

Changes and preparations:

Number of columns decreased: There were 35 columns in the 2011 census, whereas this time they have been reduced to 34. Female and male information will be entered together as sub-columns, and third gender information will be included in a separate column. responsibility of enumerators: For the census, each enumerator will be assigned the task of surveying 150 houses. Mapping of these houses will be ensured, so that no house is surveyed again. After the survey, the enumerators will submit the report to the Census Directorate.Deployment of 1.52 lakh employees: 1.52 lakh employees will be deployed in 55 districts of Madhya Pradesh, who will go door-to-door and collect census information. This time the census will be in online format, due to which it is expected that the work will be completed faster. In this way, through the census to be held in 2025, the government will not only collect information about people's food and mobile usage, but it will also help in planning and policy of development works. -Will also help in determination.

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