Dad’s Ex Cut Off All Contact Between Him And His Young Son

The importance of fathers is often underestimated, which can lead to them getting the short end of the stick.

Despite feeling like his son was his entire world and doing all he could to care for him, one father found himself in the unfortunate position of being virtually controlled by his ex and her intentions for their child. He turned to Reddit for advice after the courts offered no solution to the custody dispute.

One dad lost all access to his son because of his ex.

A father shared why he is no longer able to contact his young son on Reddit’s ‘Parenting’ forum.

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“I’m an unmarried father to an incredible four-year-old boy,” he explained. “Since his birth, I’ve worked an overnight job so I could be with him during the day. Although his mother and I never lived together, I cared for him five to six days a week, with her picking him up after work at 6:00 p.m., and on my days off, he stayed overnight with me.”

Despite all of the work this man put in as a father and the adjustments he made to his schedule, none of it felt like a burden. “Being a dad has been the greatest joy of my life,” he stated emphatically.

Unfortunately, all of this changed.

Father on phone trying to schedule visitation with son Wavebreakmedia | Canva Pro

“Recently, my ex remarried and relocated, and she has increasingly found reasons why I shouldn’t be with our son as often,” he continued.

“On July 6, I received a long message from her,” he said. According to him, she “made many … baseless accusations” against him regarding things like what he fed their son. Things only got worse from there.

He recounted, “She went on to say that I’ve never helped raise him and that she’s been a single mom for the past four years. She even claimed that my home isn’t safe for him and decided to cut off all contact.”

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This dad is doing all that he can to reestablish contact with his son.

This father is fighting hard for his relationship with his son. He is even taking legal action.

“This has been the hardest two months of my life,” he said sadly. “I filed a petition for custody and visitation right away, but as of yet, no hearing has been set. I’ve pleaded with my ex’s attorney for even just a five-minute phone call, and I am constantly denied.”

“How is this perfectly legal?” he asked helplessly. “What on Earth is my son thinking?”

“For the first time in my life, I could say I was proud of myself,” he stated. “My ex would pick him up just in time for bedtime five days a week, and now she has the audacity to claim that she ‘feels like a single mom.’”

“Everyone keeps telling me that my ex has legal custody, so she is well within her right to say who can and cannot be a part of our son’s life,” he said. “It’s not right, and it’s not fair. How do I even explain all of this to him?”

Hope is not lost for this father.

While the situation certainly appears bleak, this dad’s fight for his son is far from hopeless.

Many Redditors recommended he find a lawyer, especially since his ex hired one. Hiring a lawyer can definitely be helpful in custody cases. According to Blattner Family Law Group“Without their guidance, you might not be able to understand certain legal nuances that apply to your situation.”

Furthermore, Blattner Family Law Group pointed out that you have a better chance of getting custody of your child. “Without a reputable lawyer on your side, the chances of you achieving custody of your children are slim,” they said.

By retaining the services of a lawyer, this man has a real shot at coming out on the other side of this with a fair custody agreement. And, really, that’s all he’s asking for.

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Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.

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