Vietnam’s new president recalls humble military start, says he never dreamed of power

President Luong Cuong took the oath of office in Hanoi on Monday, pledging absolute loyalty to the Fatherland, the people and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and all-out efforts to fulfill tasks assigned by the Party, State and people.

He said that in February 1975, during the Vietnam War, when he volunteered for the army at 18, he simply hoped to return alive after the victory, without ever dreaming of reaching any particular high-ranking position.

President Cuong, 67, shared that in the heroic atmosphere of February 1975, as the entire country focused on the southern region, he joined the army “with the consciousness and conviction to fight for the liberation of the South, the unification of the country, and merely hoped to return alive on the day of victory, which would be a joy and happiness, without any thought or dream of achieving any specific rank or position.”

Having served nearly 50 years in the revolution, undergoing training and facing challenges in battles to protect the homeland, and rising from a soldier to a high-ranking Party leader, he said he has “always been firm and stable politically, utterly loyal to the Party, the homeland, and the people, overcoming difficulties, enhancing work capacity, and fulfilling all duties.”

His inaugural speech was delivered after the 15th National Assembly passed a resolution to elect him, a Politburo member and Permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and NA deputy of the 15th tenure, as the State President for the 2021-2026 tenure, with all the 440 deputies present voting yes, or 91.67% of the total number of NA members.

He thanked the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, Party General Secretary To Lam, and other Party and State leaders for entrusting him with this responsibility. He expressed his gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh and honored the sacrifices of revolutionary veterans, heroic mothers, martyrs, and countless citizens whose dedication has propelled Vietnam to its current stature on the global stage.

On the occasion, he expressed his profound gratitude to the Party, State, Army, Party committees and authorities at all levels, incumbent and former leaders, comrades and people for their guidance, support, care and encouragement, which have enabled him to fulfill his duties and grow into the leader as he is today.

Facing the evolving demands of national building and safeguarding, Cuong affirmed his commitment to striving with all his might to fulfill the duties of the president in accordance with the Constitution and the tasks entrusted by the Party, State and people.

He highlighted his dedication to maintaining and strengthening the solidarity and unity in the Party and, alongside the entire Party, people and army, to continue fostering the strength of great national unity; building a strong, clean socialist rule-of-law state that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people; consolidating national defense-security, building a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern armed force that remains a loyal and reliable political and combat force of the Party, State and people.

He committed to pursuing a consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, diversification and multilateralism of external ties, active and proactive global integration, and ensuring the highest national interests.

Vietnam, he affirmed, will continue to be a trusted friend and partner, an active and responsible member of the global community, resolutely safeguard its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, while maintaining an environment of peace and stability for national construction and development.

As he concluded his address, Cuong reiterated the goal of national independence and socialism, aspiring to build a prosperous, strong, democratic, just, civilized and happy Vietnam.

He called for the collective strength and support of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, the Party General Secretary, incumbent and former leaders of the Party and State, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, sectors, localities and all citizens, both at home and abroad, to help him fulfill the assigned tasks.

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