Are you also troubled by insomnia? If you need quick sleep at night then definitely try these remedies once.

Sleep disorders

Natural remedies for Sleep Disorders : Nowadays many people are troubled by the problem of insomnia. There are many habits including modern lifestyle, mental stress, excessive use of digital devices which are affecting the sleep pattern. There may be many reasons for this, including personal, social and technological factors. But good sleep is essential for a healthy body and mind. If you are also troubled by lack of sleep or any such problem, then you can make some changes in your habits and try some solutions.

Many people suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. At the same time, sometimes sleep is affected due to lifestyle such as staying awake till late night, long screen time, eating late at night, not going to bed on time etc. In such a situation, we can get rid of the problem of sleep by making some improvements in our habits.

Do these remedies if you can't sleep

If you also start worrying as soon as the night falls that you don't know whether you will be able to sleep again today or not. If so, then this is a problematic situation. Sometimes insomnia can be a normal problem, but if it becomes a pattern then it can cause great harm to your health. In such a situation, first of all the advice of a doctor or specialist should be taken. You can also make some changes in your habits and try some remedies, which can provide relief from the problem of insomnia. Today we have brought some such solutions for you.

Avoid caffeine and nicotine : Substances like caffeine (coffee, tea, cold drinks) and nicotine (cigarettes) can disrupt sleep. Their consumption should be stopped at least 4-6 hours before sleeping.

set a regular bedtime : Make a habit of sleeping and waking up at a fixed time every day. This keeps the body's natural clock (Circadian Rhythm) stable and improves the quality of sleep.

eat a light meal before sleeping : Take light food before sleeping at night. Avoid eating extremely heavy or spicy food, as it can cause indigestion which interferes with sleep.

create a comfortable environment : The environment of the room is important for sleep. Make the room cool, dark and noise-free. Use a comfortable mattress and pillows.

practice meditation or yoga : Practicing meditation, pranayam or light yoga exercises before sleeping helps in calming the mind and reduces stress, which improves sleep.

reduce screen time : Stay away from TV, mobile, laptop or any other digital device one hour before sleeping. The blue light emitted from these devices disrupts the production of a hormone called melatonin, which is necessary for sleep.

Drink warm milk or herbal tea : Drink a glass of warm milk or chamomile tea before sleeping. Tryptophan present in milk helps in inducing sleep.

exercise or other physical activity :Exercising regularly improves sleep quality. However, avoid excessive physical activity before bed as it can make the body and mind overactive. But include exercise in your daily activity.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information. We do not make any claims about it. If necessary, please seek medical advice.)

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