Eat these things mixed with curd, diseases will stay away, definitely know


Latest News:- Many vitamins are found in curd. Properties like calcium, iron, anti-oxidant, anti-viral etc. are found in it. Consuming curd helps in removing the deficiency of nutrients in our body. But friends, many people like to eat curd mixed with salt and sugar. Friends, if you consume curd mixed with something else, it will prove to be very beneficial for you. So let us tell you today at what time and in which curd will be beneficial in curing which disease, and also what should be mixed with curd and consumed.

Benefits of eating Isabgol

If a person is troubled by the problem of loose motion, then consuming curd provides a lot of relief to him. And also helps in keeping the stomach healthy and removing cholesterol.

Benefits of eating fennel mixed with curd

People who have trouble getting good and deep sleep at night. By taking curd in a vessel daily, taking 1/2 fennel with a small spoon and mixing it with curd and eating it, the problem goes away. Consuming it not only helps in getting sleep but also helps in removing the problem of gas and burning sensation.

benefits of celery

Those who are suffering from piles disease. Consuming 1/3 teaspoon of celery mixed well with curd every day provides relief from the problem of piles.

Benefits of doing

Many vitamins are found in banana. Nutrients like calcium, iron, minerals etc. are found in it. Due to which it removes stomach problems in our body. Eating some chopped bananas and mixing them with curd controls blood pressure.

benefits of oats

Mixing oats well in curd and consuming it daily provides good strength and power to bones and muscles. And also vitamins, minerals, iron etc. are available in the body as per all the requirements.


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