Festive season hacks: Nutritionist’s tips to avoid binge eating and stay fit

New Delhi: Festivals are a perfect example to celebrate and indulge yourself in festive treats. People forget about their dieting plan and indulge themselves in the sweet treats of festivals. As in India, no festival is complete without cravings for sugar in junk food and beverages. Indulging in festive food can be a fun way to celebrate the festival, however, it comes with many problems that can arise for the body.

To avoid binge eating during festivals, it’s important to plan. Making a proper plan and keeping a few tips in mind before the festivals start is a great way to indulge in the festivals without feeling guilty. Here are some hacks and tips by Ruchita BatraNutritionist and Lifestyle Coach on how to stay in shape this festive season with smart choices.

Tips to avoid binge eating this festive season

  1. Out of sight, out of stomach: If you find yourself overindulging when faced with a buffet of sweets or unhealthy snacks, it’s best to avoid lingering near these temptations. Instead, engage in conversations, immerse yourself in the celebrations, and focus on the social aspects of the gathering rather than the food.
  2. Stay satisfied before the party: Although it might seem counterintuitive to eat before attending a party, having a healthy meal beforehand is one of the best strategies to prevent overeating. By filling up on nutritious food before the event, you’ll be less tempted to overindulge in high-calorie snacks and party treats, allowing you to enjoy them in moderation.
  3. Control your sugar intake: While festivals are synonymous with sweets, it’s important to remember that our bodies don’t handle excessive sugar well. Overconsumption, especially late at night or after dinner, can lead to sluggishness and affect your energy the following day. To stay energized and balanced, try to limit your sugar intake, especially in the evenings.
  4. Healthy snacking: Opt for healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, or roasted seeds between meals to curb emotional hunger.
  5. Stay hydrated: Drink water before meals to prevent mistaking thirst for hunger.

These small yet effective tips can help you go a long way to plan festivals and indulge in the cravings without making yourself guilty for all the calories.

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