If you want to clean smooth kitchen tiles and chimney, then just rub this peel once: Tiles and Chimney Cleaning

Tiles and Chimney Cleaning: Oil and many types of spices are used in the kitchen. This is the reason why many types of stubborn stains accumulate on the tiles and platforms of the kitchen. Although they are cleaned daily, their smoothness remains intact. To clean the kitchen platform, chimney and tiles, you can use a peeler which will not only enhance the shine of the tiles but can also get rid of the roughness. Yes, we are talking about coconut peel. Normally coconut peel is thrown away but let us tell you that it can make difficult cleaning easier. Let us know how coconut peel can be used for cleaning.

scrub the platform

Make kitchen cleaning easy
scrub the platform

The kitchen platform i.e. slab has maximum stains of oil and spices. If the slab is not cleaned properly, it starts sticking. Coconut peel can help in cleaning the slab. The peel of coconut is rough which works as a scrub. To clean the kitchen platform, first prepare a solution of water and dishwash. Pour this solution on the slab and scrub it with coconut peels. The slab will shine within a few minutes. Then wipe the slab with a clean wet cloth.

Chimney Grinder

If the kitchen chimney is not cleaned every 15 days, grease starts accumulating in it. Sometimes even drops of oil start dripping from the chimney. Although the chimney is cleaned with hot water, oil slickness is still clearly visible on the corners and grate of the chimney. Coconut peel can be useful in removing this grease. First of all, take the coconut peel in your hands and wet it a little and then add a little dish wash to it. Rub the coconut peel vigorously on the corner of the smoothie and the mesh. Repeat this two to three times. Then clean the chimney grate with hot water. By doing this the dirt will be removed easily.

cleaning moss

Make kitchen cleaning easyMake kitchen cleaning easy
cleaning moss

Coconut peel can be useful to you in many ways. If moss has accumulated in your kitchen or courtyard, you can easily get rid of it by using coconut peel. Moss is very smooth. Therefore, apart from coconut peel, using its shell can also be beneficial to clean it. Gather coconut peel and shell together and rub the mossy area with water. Then apply surf solution and clean the area. Doing this 2-3 times can get rid of the algae.

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shine the sink

Unless the kitchen sink is clean, the kitchen does not look clean. There are many types of stains in the kitchen sink but the most stubborn stain is water. Salt water causes white stains to form in the sink. Due to which the sink starts looking dirty and old. Coconut peel can be used to clean the sink. Gather coconut shells and scrub the sink. Put some dish wash in it. In no time your sink will be shining like new.

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