UTI and Kidney Damage Reason


An American research claims that eating food kept in the fridge increases the risk of getting UTI manifold. If you are also facing the problem of UTI again and again, then there is a strong possibility that the major reason behind it may be fridge.

UTI and Kidney Damage Reason: Eating food kept in the refrigerator is harmful for health. This matter has remained a subject of debate for years. It is believed that many types of bacteria start growing in the food items kept in the refrigerator, which are harmful for health. But can this be the cause of UTI i.e. urinary tract infection? The answer is yes. In fact, an American research claims that eating food kept in the fridge increases the risk of getting UTI manifold. If you are also facing the problem of UTI again and again, then there is a strong possibility that the major reason behind it may be fridge. Let us know what this study says about the connection between UTI and fridge.

It is believed that about 60 percent of women go through the painful phase of UTI at some point of time.
It is believed that about 60 percent of women go through the painful phase of UTI at some point or the other.

First of all, let us know what urinary tract infection i.e. UTI is. Actually, it is an infection in the urinary tract. Bladder, urethra, uterus and kidneys can also be affected. Usually it occurs in the urethra and bladder. It is believed that about 60 percent of women go through the painful phase of UTI at some point of time.

According to American research, a major reason behind this is Escherichia coli bacteria. It is also called E. coli bacteria. It is usually found in contaminated meat. Along with this, it also spreads due to poor health, many other infections, hormonal changes during menopause and sexual activities. When a bacteria reaches the bladder from the urinary tract, it starts multiplying there, which becomes the cause of UTI.

Timely treatment of this infection is important, otherwise it can cause many other problems. Due to this, you may experience unbearable pain while urinating. Its infection can spread to the kidneys, which is called pyelonephritis. This is a serious condition, in which there is considerable damage to the kidneys. UTI can be a big danger for pregnant women. This can cause problems like premature delivery and low birth weight of the baby.

A study conducted in America in the year 2023 claimed that Escherichia coli bacteria is largely responsible for UTI. Due to this, about five lakh people are getting infected with UTI. The worrying thing was that this bacteria was found in about 70 percent of the meat sold in local shops. According to research, this problem is also increasing due to excessive use of antibiotics in animals. Because due to this, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are developing in humans. This is also directly related to UTI. In such a situation, the main reason behind all this is meat stored incorrectly in the fridge. To avoid this problem, people need to pay special attention to their food.

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