Using contact lenses this Diwali? Expert shares eye care tips during festive season

New Delhi: Diwali is a time of celebration, light, and joy, but it is also a season where firecracker-related injuries spike, especially eye-related injuries. For those who wear contact lenses, extra caution is required during firecracker usage to avoid serious harm. Contact lenses, while convenient for vision correction, can increase the risk of eye damage in the presence of fireworks due to heat, smoke, and debris.

Dr. Aditi Singh, Senior Consultant, Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals shared a detailed guide on the precautions that contact lens wearers should take during Diwali celebrations involving firecrackers.

  1. Avoid wearing contact lenses around fireworks: Contact lenses can increase the risk of eye irritation or even burns when exposed to high temperatures from firecrackers. If firecracker sparks hit your eyes, the heat can transfer to the lens, potentially causing severe damage to the cornea. It’s advisable to wear glasses instead, as they offer some physical protection against flying debris and sparks.
  2. Smoke and dust can irritate the eyes: Firecrackers produce large amounts of smoke, dust, and tiny particles that can get trapped between the contact lens and the surface of your eye, leading to irritation, redness, and even infections. Lens wearers are advised to avoid being too close to the fireworks or stay in well-ventilated areas where smoke is minimal. If you are participating in firecracker burning, consider switching to glasses for the duration.
  3. Risk of dry eyes: Exposure to firecrackers often leads to dry air, which can exacerbate dry eye syndrome for contact lens users. Fireworks generate heat that can dehydrate the eyes, and since lenses already reduce the natural moisture of the eye, the combination can be uncomfortable and potentially harmful. If you still choose to wear lenses, make sure to use lubricating eye drops to maintain adequate moisture levels, but ensure the drops are compatible with contact lenses.
  4. Increased risk of infections: Contact lenses can trap tiny particles from firecrackers, increasing the risk of infections like conjunctivitis or corneal abrasions. The presence of bacteria, dust, and chemicals from fireworks can cling to the surface of the lenses, increasing the likelihood of eye infections. It’s crucial to clean your lenses thoroughly if exposed to a smoky or polluted environment, and preferably switch to a fresh pair after the celebrations.
  5. Protective eyewear is essential: If you are determined to wear contact lenses during Diwali celebrations, it’s strongly recommended to wear protective eyewear over your lenses. Safety goggles or protective glasses can shield your eyes from flying sparks, dust, and debris. This not only reduces the risk of direct impact injuries but also provides a barrier against the irritants in the air.
  6. Always keep eye drops handy: Having preservative-free lubricating eye drops handy can be a lifesaver if your eyes start to feel dry or irritated during the festivities. If something does get into your eye, avoid rubbing it as it could further irritate or damage your eye, especially with lenses in place.


For contact lens wearers, celebrating Diwali with firecrackers requires extra caution. The risks of irritation, infection, and even serious injuries are higher when lenses are worn near firecrackers due to heat, smoke, and debris. It’s best to opt for glasses or protective eyewear and take precautions to keep your eyes safe. Celebrate responsibly, and enjoy the festivities without compromising your vision.

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