Iran will fire thousand missiles on this mistake of Israel, read full news…

Israel is currently carrying out attacks in Lebanon and Gaza. Hamas has also agreed to the ceasefire, but a big war is probably on the horizon. According to a New York Times report, Iran is planning what action it will take if Israel attacks it in response to the attack on October 1. According to the report, four Iranian officials say that Ayatollah Khamenei has asked the army to prepare. He has asked the army to be prepared for possible situations and if Israel attacks, then a plan should be made on how to retaliate.

Of these, 2 officers are associated with the Iranian Army. He said that if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear and oil facilities then the war will not stop. He said that Iran will again take the war to a new level and the entire Middle East may come under its grip. Sources say that a fleet of ballistic missiles has been kept ready by Iran. If Israel attacks, then 1000 ballistic missiles can be fired in response. Only 200 missiles were fired on 1 October. The concern of many countries including America is that if the war reaches this level then the oil supply will be affected.

Apart from this, international trade routes will also be disrupted. At the same time, Iran's leadership is also considering that if Israel attacks only its military bases then not much action will be taken. There is also a possibility that Iran may not attack directly again. In this way the direct war between the two big powers will stop. Let us tell you that earlier there were discussions that Iran's oil and nuclear sites could be targeted by Israel. PM Benjamin Netanyahu directly threatened Iran that the attack would be avenged. Especially the sensitive targets of Iran will be targeted.

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