How to control blood sugar – Obnews

High blood sugar level is a big problem for diabetic patients as it can increase diabetes related complications. High blood sugar levels can lead to serious problems like diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic syndrome. Let us tell you that when tested in the morning on an empty stomach, the normal level of blood sugar level should be between 70 to 100 mg/d. If the sugar level is more than this then it is called high blood sugar level. Increasing sugar level can have adverse effects on various organs of the body, which also increases the risk of diseases related to kidney, heart, eyes and nervous system. To avoid these complications, diabetics are told to keep their blood sugar levels in the normal range at all costs.

To keep blood glucose or sugar levels low, diabetic patients are advised to follow lifestyle, diet and healthy routine along with medicines. At the same time, despite taking precautions, due to some reason the blood sugar level of people increases very much and due to sudden increase in sugar level, they start having complaints like dizziness, headache and fatigue. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to reduce the sugar level rapidly. According to experts, diabetic patients should contact their doctor if the sugar level is very high. Similarly, by taking some precautions and making some major changes in the diet, blood sugar level can be reduced rapidly. Let us learn about such measures to reduce blood sugar level here.

Diet tips to reduce blood sugar level

Avoid unhealthy fats
Sugar level may increase due to unbalanced diet. Apart from refined carbs, avoid foods containing sugar, saturated fats and trans fats.

take a plant based diet
Eating a Mediterranean diet and other plant-based diets helps lower blood sugar levels. When sugar is high, eat green vegetables and fiber rich foods.

eat protein rich food
Eating the right amount of protein can help control blood sugar levels. Therefore, consume pulses, tofu, cheese and fish for protein.

Do not eat these fruits
Apart from fiber and antioxidants, fruits also contain natural sugar which can increase glucose levels. To control sugar level, do not eat sweet fruits like banana, fig and grapes.

These diet tips will also have an effect
You can eat cheese 2-3 times a week.
Similarly, low-fat milk and skimmed curd can be used.
Do not consume alcohol.
Consume meat also in limited quantity.

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