Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign In November 2024

Starting with an intense New Moon in Scorpio and packed with retrogrades and a major Pluto transit, tarot horoscopes for November 2024 provide advice for each zodiac sign to navigate through the powerful and transformative energy all month.

“November has revolutionary vibes,” astrologer Lada Duncheva explained in a YouTube video. “We’re on the verge of something huge here,” she added, noting that it will take decades for everything to unfold, “it’s starting now in November.”

November’s astrological energy encourages you to honor yourself and your life by letting go of what is toxic and bad, whether they are bad habitstoxic friends, or old junk lying around your house that you don’t need anymore but may be given a fresh life by someone else. Then bring in new energy by cleaning your living space, creating vision boards, and being open to new adventures and deep insights.

Each zodiac sign’s tarot horoscope for November 2024 is here to help each zodiac sign prepare for and navigate through the month.


Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Aries: Strength

Aries, your November 2024 tarot card is the major arcana card Strength. Usually, this card reveals your inner strength and power, but this month, Strength is asking you to be a pillar of strength for those who don’t have it within them. Whether you do this by caring for a sick person or engaging in a charitable endeavor, the energy urges you to put yourself and your life path in a harmonious space where what means the most to you and what would mean a lot to others overlap. Working with aquamarine, blue jasper, and/or jade this month will help you on this journey.

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taurus tarot horoscope november 2024 five of pentacles Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Taurus: Five of Pentacles

Taurus, your tarot card for November is the Five of Pentacles. Usually, this card asks you to be careful with your spending and budget. But this time it’s also asking you to be mindful of the people you associate with because peer pressure may have a detrimental impact on your finances. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses and you will have nothing to worry about.

This month, you will experience great health, especially concerning your joints and bones. Working with crystals like clear quartz and jade is indicated for you in November.

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gemini tarot horoscope november 2024 wheel of fortune Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Gemini: Wheel of Fortune

Gemini, your November tarot card is the Wheel of Fortune. This brings up the imagery of harvest season and how sometimes a harvest can be very fruitful — and other times not as much. Despite the month bringing things to your doorstep that you may not be able to change, you still have a lot of things in your power and under your scope of influence. Focus on the positive and the doable.

Talking to people in person this month will have better results than shielding yourself behind virtual communication methods. You can also work with citrine and faceted quartz for the same reasons.

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cancer tarot horoscope november 2024 ace of cups Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Cancer: Ace of Cups

Cancer, the Ace of Cups asks you to open your heart and step out of your comfort zone because that’s where you will find your blessings and next great adventure! Some of you will also find a soulmate on such a path.

If you feel called to, do at least one thing this month that allows you to work on your heart chakra. You can also wear green as it resonates with this energy center. Watching the moon is also indicated for you to help you feel whole and true. Clear quartz and lab-made diamonds will have a beneficial effect on you for the same reasons.

RELATED: How Your Zodiac Sign Will Experience Scorpio Season From October 22 – November 21


leo tarot horoscope november 2024 five of pentacles Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Leo: Eight of Wands

Leo, your tarot card for November is the Eight of Wands. It urges you to go fast and furious this month, whether that’s in your love life (especially when it comes to committing to the right person) or going after your goals and dreams! Do what makes sense for you and you will be golden.

You are also encouraged to up your fashion game… because why not? Confidence begins with setting the stage just right. If you feel called to, work with faceted quartz and/or pyrite (Fool’s Gold) in November for the same reasons.

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virgo tarot horoscope november 2024 the sun Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Virgo: The Sun

Virgo, November is your month! Why? Because you have received the major arcana card The Sun, a powerful omen of positive energy and good fortune. But this is also an omen for manifesting what you want. You can tap into the power of the Full Moon on November 15 for the same reasons.

If you are creatively bent, tinkering with gadgets and gizmos will bring your Mercury-blessed side straight to the surface, positively impacting other areas of your life. Working with clear quartz and citrine is also indicated for you.

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libra tarot horoscope november 2024 five of pentacles Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Libra: Five of Pentacles

Libra, your November tarot card is the Five of Pentacles. It cautions you against overspending and allowing peer pressure to convince you to purchase flashy things or experiences that lack substance. If you are unsure any time during the month when to spend your money and when to invest it, close your eyes, take in a few deep breaths, and you will have a general idea of what to do next. Journaling your thoughts will also help you double down on this. Plus, working with clear quartz can bring you clarity.

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scorpio tarot horoscope november 2024 ace of wands Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Scorpio: Ace of Wands

Scorpio, this is your month because Scorpio season encompasses a significant portion of November. With the Ace of Wands here for you, you will receive positive results anytime you put your mind to anything during the month — that is your inner power.

Those with psychic abilities, especially related to the olfactory senses, may have a heightened experience, bringing you insights through the metaphorical language of scents. Working with citrine or honey calcite is also indicated for you this month.

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sagittarius tarot horoscope november 2024 ten of wands Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Sagittarius: Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands tells you to pace yourself appropriately and focus on only the things that are a priority for you. Do not take on unnecessary burdens that can be postponed to a later time — maybe even in 2025!

If you feel called to, collaborate with others to receive positive support through friends and colleagues. Studying history can also bring deep insights at this time and help you unwind, albeit in an eccentric kind of way. If you feel called to, work with clear quartz and lab-made diamond for the same reasons.

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capricorn tarot horoscope november 2024 two of wands Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Capricorn: Two of Wands

Capricorn, the Two of Wands urges you to prioritize, take care of necessary tasks, and follow through on plans without spreading yourself too thin. You are also called to lean into the realm of team spirit instead of trudging it out with lone-wolf energy.

If you feel called to, November is a great time to pick up some heirloom dishware to underline your stance and aesthetic, especially since Thanksgiving is coming up! Working with citrine and honey calcite is also indicated for you in November for the same reasons.

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aquariusaries tarot horoscope november 2024 three of pentacles Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Aquarius: Three of Pentacles

Aquarius, the Three of Pentacles urges you to find common ground with people who have the same goals as you so that the sum of your efforts can be greater than its parts. After all, you can divide the milestones according to your strengths, thus capitalizing on the extraordinariness of the human spirit and its myriad facets. Community work is also indicated here, such as working in a soup kitchen or organizing a bake sale for charity.

If you feel called to, calligraphy and painting with brushes will have a calming effect on you in the midst of all this. You can also work with labradorite or black obsidian to ground yourself in November.

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pisces tarot horoscope november 2024 ace of cups Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

November tarot card for Pisces: Ace of Cups

Pisces, November is going to be both a hectic period for you and laid-back in equal measure. It will baffle you, for sure. That’s what is being indicated by the tarot card for you this month, the Ace of Cups. So be conscious of how you show up in your relationships, romantic and otherwise. Make sure you are not focusing exclusively on one kind of relationship to the detriment of others.

Working with plant-based medicine will be beneficial for your spirit this month. So will engaging with citrine and jade as a way to lift your soul.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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