Why are experts in Delhi forbidding you to do morning walk, know what is the alternative way to stay fit: Delhi Pollution and Walk

Delhi Pollution and Walk: There is no better exercise than morning walk to stay fit. It provides many types of physical and mental health benefits. But these days, health experts in Delhi and NCR are advising morning walkers not to walk in the morning. The main reason for this is that the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Delhi and its surrounding areas has reached dangerous and serious levels. According to the data of Central Pollution Control Board, AQI has crossed the level of 390 in many areas of Delhi, due to which the number of patients suffering from difficulty in breathing and asthma is increasing day by day. In such polluted air conditions, going for a morning walk can be more harmful than beneficial. People who always resort to walking to stay fit can choose these alternative options instead of walking.

Morning and night time is dangerous

Do not do morning walk
Morning and night time is dangerous

In the morning, particulate matter is very close to the ground, due to which people going for a morning walk may have respiratory problems. During this period, you should avoid doing hardcore exercise because you need more oxygen in the morning. In such a situation, polluted air enters your lungs by breathing, which can harm your lungs. Apart from this, even in the evening, pollution and dust particles circulate more in the air, due to which many people may have trouble breathing.

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Make changes in routine

If you want to maintain your outdoor walk routine, you can change the time and schedule of your walk. The AQI level in the afternoon is lower than in the morning. If the air quality is good, you can take a walk after the sun rises in the afternoon. Avoid doing hardcore exercises during this period. Apart from this, it would be better to use a mask while walking.

Adopt this alternative

People who like to take a morning walk can keep themselves fit at home by choosing some healthy alternatives.

do yoga

To keep your body fit and healthy, you can take help of yoga instead of walking. By doing yoga, all the muscles of your body become active and you can easily lose weight at home. Yoga can be done for 30 to 35 minutes daily. Spot jog, bear walk and lunges exercises can be done instead of walk.

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Do not do morning walkDo not do morning walk
Adopt this alternative

take a walk at home

Due to pollution and smog, walking outside the house can be very harmful. In such a situation, you can complete your target of 10 thousand steps by walking at home. If you have a big hall in your house then you can do 25-30 rounds of it. Apart from this, walk about 1500 steps after every mile.

jump rope

People who are more conscious about their health can include different methods of exercise in their routine. If you are not able to go for a walk, you can jump rope at home. Jumping rope will give you a full body workout. Those who cannot jump rope due to pain in their legs and knees can exercise using stairs.

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