Know how lips are affected due to smoking, disadvantages of smoking

Cigarette smoke contains thousands of harmful chemicals. When we smoke cigarettes, these chemicals come in contact with our lips. Due to these chemicals, the cells of our lips get damaged and pigmentation increases in them. This is the reason why the lips of people who smoke cigarettes turn black.

Apart from lips, cigarette smoking also causes other harms related to mouth:

  • Yellowing of teeth: Cigarette tar and the chemicals present in it damage the enamel of the teeth and turn them yellow.
  • bad breath: Smoking cigarettes increases bacteria in the mouth which causes bad breath.
  • Gum disease: Smoking cigarettes reduces the blood supply to the gums, which increases the risk of gum disease.
  • Mouth Cancer: The carcinogenic elements present in cigarette smoke can cause oral cancer.
  • Weakening of taste and smell: Smoking cigarettes weakens the sense of taste and smell.

Benefits of quitting cigarettes:

  • Return of lip color: The color of the lips starts returning within a few weeks of quitting cigarettes.
  • Teeth Whitening: Quitting cigarettes reduces the yellowness of teeth and they gradually start becoming white.
  • Elimination of bad breath: Quitting cigarettes reduces the bacteria in the mouth, which eliminates bad breath.
  • Decreased risk of cancer: Quitting cigarettes reduces the risk of many types of cancer, including oral cancer.
  • Health Improvement: Quitting cigarettes improves overall health and can help you live a longer and healthier life.

If you want to quit cigarettes, consult a doctor or an expert. They can provide a range of treatments and support to help you quit cigarettes.

Quitting smoking can be a difficult task, but it is the best thing you can do for your health.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for information purposes only. Always consult a doctor for any medical condition.

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