Iran Nobel Prize Winners Nargis Mohammadi: Health of jailed Nobel Prize winner Nargis Mohammadi worsens, will be admitted to hospital.

Iran Nobel Prize Winners Nargis Mohammadi : Iranian authorities have allowed jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner Nargis Mohammadi to be admitted to hospital for treatment. According to reports, Mohammadi was ill for about nine weeks. An organization gave this information about the social worker. The Free Norway Coalition said in a statement on Sunday that Mohammadi should be granted 'medical furlough' for treatment.

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According to reports, the statement said that his months of neglect and lack of care have led to this serious health problem and shifting him to a hospital will not solve the problem. Mohammadi is being held in Iran's Evin prison, where political prisoners and people associated with Western countries are kept. She was already serving a 30-month sentence and in January 15 months were added to her sentence.

According to reports, Nargis Mohammadi is suffering from heart disease and as per her medical report released in September, she has again developed serious complications in the main artery of her heart. On behalf of the organization, it has been said that they will continue to demand the unconditional release of Mohammadi and providing him full medical facilities.

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