PM Modi warned the public against criminals who cheat people.


Latest News :- Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday warned the public against criminals who cheat people through digital arrests. Calling it an extremely important concern, the Prime Minister advised to adopt a wait, think and act approach while dealing with the issue.

Prime Minister Modi gave this advice to the country in his monthly radio address Manatin Voor. During his speech, the Prime Minister also played a recording of the conversation. After this the Prime Minister said, “The conversation you just heard is related to the digital arrest scam. This conversation is between the victim and the scammer. In digital arrest scam, callers pretend to be police, CBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, bank officials etc.

You need to understand this. Their first strategy is to collect all the personal information about you. The next trick is to create an atmosphere of fear, that is, they will create fear in you by telling you the legal sections. The third tactic is the pressure of time. You have to decide now or you will be arrested and put psychological pressure on the victim to an unbearable level.

If you also get such calls then you should avoid panic. Keep in mind that no investigation agency does investigation over phone or video call. Let me tell you about the three stages of digital security. “Think, think, act”. If the call comes, “Remain calm, don't panic.” Do not take any hasty step, if possible take a screenshot of the cell phone screen and record the conversation.

Next step, think. No government agency will give such threats over phone call, investigate over video call and ask for money. The first phase is followed by the second phase and then the third phase. act. Contact national cyber helpline number 1930, report on website, inform family and police. Keep the evidence safe. These three steps are your digital security guards.

Friends, I say again, there is no system like digital arrest in law, it is raw fraud, flipping, gangs of goons are involved in such activities, all intelligence agencies are working together with state governments to catch them. Have been. A National Cyber ​​Coordination Center has been set up for coordinated functioning of these organizations,” he said.

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