Benefits of walking: 7 benefits of walking 5000 steps in 1 hour, from calorie burn to energy boost
Benefits of walking: Walking is considered beneficial for health. Walking helps in weight control. This physical activity also improves sugar, BP and heart health. A new research has shown that if a person walks 5000 steps in 1 hour then it helps in burning calories. You do not need to walk fast in this 1 hour, you can complete the steps by keeping distance in between to burn calories, which will reduce weight. Know what other benefits the body can get from walking 5000 steps in 1 hour.
Health benefits of walking 5000 steps in 1 hour
1. Burn calories
If you complete the quota of walking 5000 steps in 1 hour, it helps in burning calories. According to a report in Times of India, intermittent walking for 1 hour has more health benefits and burns calories than 30 minutes.
2. Heart Health
Walking for 1 hour in between also improves heart diseases. Health experts also recommend walking to reduce the cases of stroke.
3. Obesity
Obviously walking reduces obesity but walking for 1 hour is more beneficial in burning calories.
4. Muscle development
Walking for 1 hour every day strengthens the muscles. This improves blood circulation which also provides relief from muscle pain.
5. Mental health
Walking keeps the mood good. Regular 1 hour walk reduces stress and improves mental activities of the person. This also relaxes your mind, which improves sleep.
6. Energy boost
Walking requires hard work but walking improves the energy level in the body. If you walk for 1 hour every morning, you get enough energy for the whole day.
7. Beneficial for adults
To maintain good health, elderly people should walk for 1 hour every day. Joint pain is reduced by walking. Walking keeps sugar under control. The memory of old people becomes weak. Physical activity will also give them relief from this problem.
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