Feeling hungry even after eating, are these 5 reasons responsible: Always Feeling Hungry

Always Feeling Hungry: Some people feel hungry again and again even after eating a full meal. They feel like eating something sweet or spicy or they feel hungry the moment they see food. Are you also facing these problems? So don't panic, this is not a disease but a sign of lack of nutrients in the body. Due to disturbances in diet, hormones and lifestyle, many times one may feel hungry even after eating. However, some other reasons can also be responsible for this, ignoring which can give rise to health problems. So let us know about the reasons for feeling hungry again and again.

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lack of fiber

Why do I feel hungry again and again?
lack of fiber

Fiber is very important to control appetite. When we do not include sufficient amount of fiber in our diet, our stomach becomes empty quickly. A diet low in fiber breaks down food quickly, which can result in feeling hungry even after eating. To avoid feeling hungry again and again, you should include green vegetables, whole grains and legumes in your diet.

lack of water

Many times we mistake thirst for water as hunger. When the body becomes dehydrated, one feels like eating something. The brain starts giving signals of hunger to the body. In this situation, you eat more food than required, due to which there may be problems of weight gain and laziness. To control hunger and keep the body hydrated, one should drink at least 2-3 liters of water throughout the day. This may also help control hunger signals.

disturbance while eating

Most of the people like to watch TV or mobile while eating. While browsing, you forget how much and what you have to eat. Due to distraction, you are not able to taste and enjoy the food. Because of which you feel hungry again and again. Feeling hungry even when the stomach is full. Therefore, while eating, our entire focus should be on eating. This makes one feel satisfied.

not getting enough sleep

Why do I feel hungry again and again?Why do I feel hungry again and again?
not getting enough sleep

When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more ghrelin and less leptin, which causes you to feel hungry even after eating a full meal. Not getting proper sleep can cause hormonal imbalance due to which one has to face problems like hunger, weight gain and feeling lazy.

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exercising more

When you exercise more, your body burns more calories. Due to which the body feels tired and hungry. If adequate amount of protein and fiber is consumed after exercise, then hunger pangs can be controlled. Apart from this, even after heavy weight exercise, the body feels the need to eat more. But eating too much after exercise can make you obese.

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