There are many benefits of eating this thing – LIVE HINDI KHABAR


Latest News:- Many types of fruits are found in the country, which are rich in nutrients. It is one such fruit which contains very beneficial nutrients. The name of this fruit is Mangosteen. The pickup of this fruit takes place in Southeast Asia. Mangosteen fruit is sweet and sour in taste. On the contrary, this fruit has many names such as 'Kokum' in Gujarat is known as 'Kao' in Bengali. Mangosteen is demanded in many countries.

Mangosteen fruits are very beneficial. Along with this, many parts of its tree are used in medicine. Therefore, this fruit is considered a boon given by nature.

1) Supplements of many vitamins in the body.

The body needs many types of vitamins. Vitamin C, B1, B2 are present in this fruit. At the same time, this fruit is full of fiber, manganese, copper. Therefore, all these nutrients work to give strength and energy to the muscles in the body.

2) Cancer prevention-

Mangosteen fruits protect us from cancer. When diagnosed, it has been found that the elements of mangosteen are helpful in protecting against stomach, breast, lung and xanthon-related cancers.

3) Mangosteen juice is beneficial for the skin –

Mangosteen juice available in the market is known as 'Jango Juice'. If someone has any skin related problem, then Jango juice is drunk.

4) Will keep the brain muscles healthy-

According to medicine, it has been found that mangosteen keeps our brain muscles healthy. Along with this, it is also used to reduce swelling in our brain.

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