Tell me sir what should I give – Obnews

To the cake seller: Tell me sir, what should I give?

Boy:- I want a cake for my future wife's cat.

Cake seller: So will you eat this or should I pack it?


Raju Plumber:- Sir, I fixed your bike.

Bring leaver charge Rs 600?

Engineer:- Hey, what are you talking about, I can't even afford that much for 1.5 hours.

Raju Plumber: – Hey Sir, I was also an engineer earlier, so my salary was less than this?


Wife to husband:- What are you doing, darling?

Husband:- Nothing, am I killing mosquitoes?

Wife: So how many kills have you had so far?

Husband:- Total 9 killed, out of which 6 were male and 3 female,

Wife: Thinking a little, how did you find out which of these is male and female?

Husband: – It's simple, 3 mosquitoes were sitting on the lipstick, and 6 on the cigarette.


When Amma was reading Geeta, the grandson saw it and asked Amma, which exam are you preparing for now?

Amma:- Son, now I am preparing for the final year.


Three rats were sitting on the mango tree,

Just then an elephant was coming out from under that tree,

Then accidentally a rat fell on him,

Then the two sitting above said, “Will I come to take care of this bastard?”

Funny Jokes: Here a lady told her husband

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