Concord Biotech share price up 5.67%

Business business: TodayWednesday December 18, 2024 | At 15:00,Concord BiotechConcord BiotechIt is trading at Rs 2,172.95, up 5.67% compared to its previous closing price. Concord Biotech is trading in the price range of 2,183.00 and 2,052.55. Concord Biotech has given 39.90% this year and -1.62% in the last 5 days.

day simple moving average

5 days 2,129.13

10 days 2,148.68

20 days 2,093.19

50 days 1,96 3.26

100 days 1,873.15

300 days 1,706.35

Concord Biotech's TTM P/E ratio is 54.87, while the sector P/E is 31.74. There are 3 analysts who have initiated coverage on Concord Biotech. 1 analyst has given it a strong buy rating and 1 analyst has given it a buy rating. 0 analysts have rated the stock as a Sell.

The company earned a net profit of Rs 95.74 crore in its last quarter.

Concord Biotech's listed peers include Emcure Pharmaceuticals (1.01%), Nuvama Wealth Management (-0.34%), Concord Biotech (5.67%) etc.

Concord Biotech holds 55.92% public stake. The mutual fund's stake in Concord Biotech stood at 4.97% as of September 30, 2024. MF's share has decreased since last quarter. FII stake in Concord Biotech stood at 8.10% as of September 30, 2024. FII stake has increased since last quarter.

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