Why is 21st December special? What is the connection with the length and shortening of day and night?

Winter Solstice 2024: There are many events in the universe which are related in some way or the other. The days and nights are very cold here during the winter season. These change in this season. 21st December is a special day with this connection as it is the day when the nights are long and the days are short. This change is remembered on the pages of history. Apart from this, on this particular day the night lasts for 16 hours while the day lasts for 8 hours.

Understand winter solstice like this

If we understand the winter solstice or winter solstice here, it is related to the change of day and night. Solstice is a Latin word which is derived from solstice. ‘Sol’ means sun in Latin. Whereas ‘Sestair’ means to remain stable, Solstice has been formed by the combination of these two words. Which means the Sun remains stable. Due to this natural change, December 21st is going to be the shortest day and longest night of the year.

What does geographical position say?

If we understand here, on 21st December the Earth is at an inclination of 23.4 degrees at its pole. On normal days there are 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. But when the situation changes, the hours of day and night also change. After December 21, the nights start getting shorter and the days start getting longer. On this day, the days are longer and the nights are shorter in all the countries present in the Northern Hemisphere. The special thing is that on this day a moment comes when your shadow leaves you.

Many festivals are celebrated on this day

Although 21st December is a special day but some changes have been given, according to which the time of this day is between 20th to 23rd December only. That is, December 21 is the middle date when due to the maximum distance of the Sun from the Earth, the Sun’s rays reach the Earth late. Due to this, a slight decrease in temperature is also seen. This change is celebrated as a festival in many countries. The most important festival in western countries is Christmas. Which comes immediately after the winter solstice. Similarly, in China and other East Asian countries, people belonging to the Yin and Yang school of Buddhism celebrate the Winter Solstice as a day to promote unity and prosperity.

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