Tej Patta Benefits: From immunity to stress relief, know how to get health benefits by burning it at night…

Tej Patta Benefits: Everyone has bay leaves in their kitchen because it enhances the taste of vegetables and pulao. Adds flavor to the food. The use of bay leaves is not limited to just fragrance and taste, rather it is a medicine. If we use it as a medicine, it will prove to be very beneficial.

Know through this article that you can get physical and mental benefits by burning 2 bay leaves at night.

Strengthens immunity

Immunity becomes weak in winter and people fall ill. If you burn bay leaves at night and inhale the smoke emanating from it, it will strengthen your immunity. This is because the leaves contain many vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants. Which are helpful in increasing immunity.

The risk of infection will be very less

If you are at risk of infection, inhaling the smoke of bay leaves will be beneficial. That's because burning it will destroy infected, harmful pollutants in the environment. The air will be pure. The risk of infection will be greatly reduced. One big benefit of burning it will be that if there are mosquitoes or cockroaches in the house, they will also run away. If you want, you can try this solution.

Stress will go away (Tej Patta Benefits)

If you are feeling stressed then burn 2 bay leaves in the room before sleeping. Let its smoke spread in the room. Inhale the smoke. This will give you relief from stress. You will sleep well.

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