Gujarat Police caught the shooter associated with Asaram who killed the witness of sexual exploitation, Bapu's troubles may increase again.

Ahmedabad/Rajkot: Asaram Bapu, who is serving life sentence in sexual exploitation cases, may once again face problems. On one hand, in the Jodhpur case, the Supreme Court has granted interim bail to Asaram Bapu till March 31, while on the other hand, the Crime Branch of Gujarat's Rajkot Police has arrested Keshav from Karnataka, accused of murdering a witness of sexual exploitation linked to Asaram. Have done. It is believed that Asaram's former seeker and sharp shooter Keshav had murdered a witness named Amrit Prajapati 10 years ago. According to sources, he was once again planning to murder another witness when the Crime Branch of Rajkot caught him.

Amrit Prajapati, former associate of Asaram Bapu and a witness in the sexual harassment case, was shot at the Ayurvedic Hospital in Rajkot on 23 May. Amrit Prajapati later died in the hospital. Prajapati was shot at the witness by an unknown gunman posing as a patient in the hospital. Before dying, Amrit Prajapati had given a statement to the police in which he had named six followers of Asharam among the attackers. These included the names of Vikas Khemka, KD Patel, Ajay Shah, Meghji, Kaushik and Rambhai. After the murder of Amrita Prajapati, the investigation of this case is with CID Crime. According to the police, Keshav, involved in the Prajapati murder case, was hiding in a village in Karnataka. He was in touch with the followers of Asaram.

The Supreme Court has granted interim bail to Asaram Bapu, who has been in jail for the last 11 years, on medical grounds, although the court has put a condition on the bail that he will not meet his followers nor influence any witness. The Supreme Court has fixed the period of interim bail as 31 March. The Supreme Court has granted interim bail to Asaram Bapu after granting parole twice. However, due to being convicted in many cases, he has not been able to come out of jail yet due to technical reasons.

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