CM Yogi inaugurated Akashvani's FM, radio channel in Prayagraj, said – Mahakumbh is not just an event but the pride of Sanatan.
Prayagraj. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched Akashvani's FM radio channel 'Kumbhavani' at Circuit House on Friday. On this occasion, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Dr. L. Murugan also joined through virtual medium. Prasar Bharati will work to spread the religious, spiritual, cultural, social and economic aspects of Maha Kumbh to the people through 'Kumbhvani'. On this occasion, the Chief Minister said, Mahakumbh is the Mahakumbh of Sanatan's pride, those who want to divide people into castes should see that caste differences are erased through Kumbh. People are coming here from all over the world, Prasar Bharati has not only prepared to broadcast the Mahakumbh program throughout the day, but religious quotes will also be given in remote areas, this will increase the faith of the people.
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FM channel will reach new heights of popularity
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched Prasar Bharati's FM channel Kumbhavani on the occasion of Mahakumbh at Circuit House on Friday, the second day of his visit to Prayagraj. During this, he said, the FM channel will not only achieve new heights of popularity, but will also take Mahakumbh to those remote villages where people are not able to reach here even if they want to.
#UPCM @myogiadityanath Launched Akashvani's FM radio channel at Tirtharaj Prayagraj today.
The Chief Minister said that Prasar Bharati's 'Kumbhvani' (FM 103.5 MHz) will reach every remote village and witness the events of Maha Kumbh-2025 to the people and all the citizens will participate in this great festival.
— CM Office, GoUP (@CMOfficeUP) January 10, 2025
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Mahakumbh is not just an event, but the pride of Sanatan
During this, the Chief Minister said that Mahakumbh is not just an event, but a great event of Sanatan pride and pride, a great gathering. Anyone who wants to see the glory and dignity of Sanatan Dharma should visit Kumbh, come here and observe. Those who look at Sanatan Dharma from a narrow perspective and try to divide people in the name of communal differences, discrimination or untouchability, they should come and see that here there is no difference of sect, no difference of caste, no There is untouchability, and no gender discrimination.
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