If you are using green tea in large quantities in a day, these problems may arise.

Health News Desk,Nowadays, green tea has become an essential item in our kitchen, especially when it comes to weight loss. It not only refreshes us but also helps in cleaning our body from inside. The properties present in green tea not only keep our body healthy but also help in weight loss. But, do you know how much green tea should we drink in a day? And what can happen if we drink too much of it? Let's find out here.

Know how often you should drink green tea?
According to health experts, drinking 2 or 3 cups of green tea a day is good for health. By drinking green tea in such quantity, we get its benefits and there is no harm. Green tea contains many good elements which keep our body healthy. It strengthens our heart, controls our weight and makes us feel fresh. Therefore, if we drink this amount of green tea daily, our health will be good.

Disadvantages of drinking too much alcohol

Drinking green tea in limited quantity is very good for our health. But if we drink it in excess, it can cause some harm. First of all, green tea contains caffeine. If we drink too much green tea then the amount of caffeine in our body increases. Due to this we may have to face problems like insomnia, irritability, headache and increased heartbeat.
Second, green tea also contains tannins that may reduce iron absorption. This means that if we drink too much green tea with meals or immediately after meals, our body cannot properly get iron from the food. This may cause blood deficiency or anemia.

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