This thing is the biggest enemy of ringworm, scabies and itching, it will get rid of it as soon as you apply it.
Latest News:- Due to excessive sweating, the pores in your body get clogged and due to this you get the problem of itching. Some people even get ringworm which causes a lot of burning sensation and if it is not treated on time. If this happens, ringworm and itching keep spreading and it becomes a big problem.
Today I am going to tell you about one such thing which by applying it will completely eliminate the problem of ringworm and itching and your skin will become completely healthy, so let us know about this remedy.
- Take 20 grams of celery, boil it in 100 grams of water and apply it on the part of the body where ringworm and itching are occurring. And apart from this, grind celery in lukewarm water and apply it on ringworm and itching areas, your happiness will go away forever.
- People who suffer from rashes should apply aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel gives great coolness to the skin and rashes also go away.
- Eating banana is very beneficial for health and you also know this and if you mix banana with lemon juice and apply it on itchy areas, it will cure your itching immediately.
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