At this place, the bride's mother sleeps with her daughter and son-in-law on the wedding night, the next day she tells the whole story of the night.

First Night Ritual(Bride mother sleep with couple on first night): There are many traditions related to marriage in different parts of the world, which are a symbol of society and culture. There are some such tribes of Africa. In these areas, it is considered an important tradition for the girl's mother to be present with the bride and groom on the first night of the wedding. Africa is home to diverse and unique practices as well as many customs. Although this practice sounds a bit strange, the thinking behind it is linked to social and cultural beliefs. In some African tribal communities, marriage is understood not just as the union of a couple but as the beginning of a deep relationship between entire families and communities.

First Night Ritual-Unique African Marriage Traditions You Should Know
Unique African Marriage Traditions You Should Know

There are many social and cultural reasons behind this tradition. In tribal society the family is considered as a single unit. Even after marriage, girls are not left alone. The presence of the mother after marriage is an indication that the girl's family is always present with her for her protection and care. The mother is also present on the first night of the newly married couple to ensure that the customs and traditions of the tribe are being properly followed by the bride and groom.

In many tribal societies, no information is given about public education before marriage. In this, the girl's mother plays an important role and the newly married couple explains their responsibilities throughout life and the depth of their relationship. In this education, not only about physical relationship but also the importance of respect and care towards each other. In tribal societies, marriage is not just a personal decision but it is the decision of their entire society.

Bizarre Marriage rituals you wont believe still exist in AfricaBizarre Marriage rituals you wont believe still exist in Africa
Bizarre Marriage rituals you wont believe still exist in Africa

In many cultures it is considered auspicious for the bride and groom to be alone on the night of love. Therefore, the presence of mother works as a blessing from the elders in their life. The safety of girls is taken into great consideration in tribal areas. Immediately after marriage, girls have to adjust to their new family and due to the presence of their mother, the girl feels safe even in difficult circumstances. Apart from this, if the girl's mother is not there, then some other elderly woman of the house is asked to sleep with her.

Although the tradition is still prevalent in very few areas, but gradually its form is also changing. Now importance is being given to the fact that after marriage, the bride and groom need personal time to know each other. No, the generation should be left open to decide whether they follow the traditions or try to change them as per their own. This surprising practice may not be appropriate for everyone, but it reflects the cultural importance of some tribes.

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