Are you doing family planning for the first time after marriage? Take special care of these things

Family Planning: At the beginning of the new year, people plan many things. These include dreams of career, home, marriage, and even parenthood. Married couples often plan to have a family after a certain period of time. This decision completely depends on the mutual consent and preparations of the couples. If you are also planning a pregnancy this year, then it is important that you prepare yourself physically and mentally. Along with adopting the right diet and healthy lifestyle, it is also very important to take doctor's advice.

Family Planning
maintaining a balanced weight

One of the biggest obstacles in conceiving is unbalanced weight. Being overweight can affect the functionality of the ovaries and fallopian tubes in women. It plays a major role in pregnancy. To keep weight under control, eat nutrition-rich foods. Include dates, ghee, milk, rice, moong dal and almonds in your diet. These things improve the reproductive health of both men and women.

The ovulation period falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle and is considered the most suitable time for pregnancy. Having sex during this period, two weeks before menstruation, increases the chances of pregnancy by 60-70%. At this time an egg is released from the ovary, which is ready for fertilization. So it is important to track your menstrual cycle to understand your ovulation period and plan accordingly.

Regular menstruation is necessary for pregnancy. If menstruation is irregular, it can affect ovulation and conception. In such a situation, immediately contact the doctor and find a solution to this problem.

If you are planning pregnancy, stop taking contraceptive medicines at least a year before. These medicines can affect your hormonal balance and become a hindrance in conceiving. To increase the chances of conceiving, it is recommended to have regular intercourse two to three times a week.

Maintaining a first pregnancy is very important for reproductive health. Having an abortion for the first time can cause difficulty in conceiving in the future. If you have accidentally become pregnant and do not want to have a child, consult a doctor instead of taking a hasty decision.

When planning to conceive, focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management. Avoid junk food and excessive caffeine. Get enough sleep and practice yoga and meditation.

At the right time, with the right planning and taking care of your health-related needs, you can start the journey of parenthood in this new year.

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