Increasing fat around the stomach increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver, know the solution. – ..
fatty liver: Liver is one of the essential organs of the human body. But people do not pay attention to it until liver related problems occur. Liver works to keep the body fit. Liver related problems usually occur due to drinking alcohol because alcohol is the biggest enemy of the liver. But even without alcohol, serious liver problems i.e. fatty liver can occur. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver is a disease in which the liver gets damaged due to accumulation of fat around the liver even without drinking alcohol. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is caused by poor lifestyle and poor diet. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease poses the greatest risk of liver damage.
What is non alcoholic fatty liver?
In non-alcoholic fatty liver, fat accumulates around the liver. Its causes are overweight, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. If fatty liver is not treated in time, the liver becomes swollen and the risk of liver damage also increases.
Too much fat can damage the liver. If we want to avoid this serious liver disease then it is necessary to lose weight. For weight loss, main focus should be on diet and exercise.
Make these changes in diet for fatty liver
Being overweight causes fatty liver disease. Especially the fat around the stomach is harmful for the liver. To avoid this, people who are overweight should gradually reduce their body weight. If fat has increased around the stomach and waist, then start losing weight by making these changes in your diet.
Make these changes in diet
-Control the amount of fat in the diet. Especially avoid trans and saturated fats.
– Include Omega 3 fatty acids, almonds, avocado, olive oil in the diet.
– Avoid taking excessive amounts of carbohydrates.
– Avoid consuming packaged food, sweets and cold drinks.
Along with change in eating habits, change in lifestyle is also necessary. To keep your liver healthy and avoid non-alcoholic fatty liver, do any type of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Exercises like yoga, walking, cycling can be done during 30 minutes. Just 30 minutes of exercise can help with everything from fatty liver to diabetes.
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