Winter Alert: Change 5 bad habits today to avoid heart attack and cardiac arrest in winter: Winter Wellness

Winter Wellness: The risk of diseases like heart attack and cardiac arrest increases during winter season. These serious conditions can be more troubling especially in the winter season. At this time the blood vessels get narrowed and the blood pressure starts increasing, due to which there is more pressure on the heart. Many times, these problems can also occur due to lack of physical activities, unhealthy food habits and many other bad habits. To get rid of these problems, you should make some important changes in your lifestyle. It is better to give up these five habits as soon as possible, which can be harmful for your heart. If you follow these suggestions, you can keep your heart healthy not only in cold weather but always.

Avoid heavy workout in the morning
Avoid heavy workout in the morning

One should avoid doing heavy workout in the morning in cold weather because the temperature in the morning is very low due to which the nerves of our body shrink. If you do heavy exercise in the morning, it has more impact on your heart, which can increase the risk of heart attack. In the summer season, it is good to exercise early in the morning, but in the cold season, instead of doing heavy workouts in the morning, you should workout a little later in the day when the temperature increases a little.

In winter, people increase the consumption of alcohol and smoking to stay warm, but these habits are very harmful for our heart. Alcohol consumption can cause irregular heartbeat. Whereas smoking causes contraction of the veins. Due to smoking, instead of oxygen, carbon monoxide gets added to the blood in our body. Due to excessive smoking, it can cause heart related problems.

Avoid oily and salty foodAvoid oily and salty food
Avoid oily and salty food

In the cold season, we often feel like eating fried and salty food, but this habit is harmful for the health of our heart. Oily food increases cholesterol levels and consuming excess salt can lead to blood pressure problems. Both of these directly spoil the health of our heart. Eating whole grains, fresh vegetables, dry fruits and fresh fruits in winter is beneficial for health.

People often become lazy in winter and reduce physical activities, due to which problems like obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure can arise. Even in winter, include light exercises like stretching, walking, jogging in your daily routine. This improves our heart health. To avoid serious diseases like cardiac arrest and heart attack, do physical activity.

Hypothermia can occur due to very low temperatures during cold weather, which affects heart health. Therefore, wear adequately warm clothes in cold weather. If it is very cold then definitely use hat, gloves and socks. Consuming warm things like hot water, herbal tea, tomato soup etc. can also protect the body from excessive cold.

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