Winter Plants For Your Garden: If you also want to fill your garden with flowers in winter, then plant these varieties of plants…

Winter Plants For Your Garden: The month of January brings a new beginning in our garden. This month we can plant all types of plants in our garden. If you are going to start a new garden in January, there are some varieties of flowers that can be planted easily. There are many plants which lose their color in the winter season, but there are many which look very attractive in winter and spread their beauty.

If you want to plant some new varieties of plants in your garden during the winter season and want to fill your garden with flowers, then we will tell you about some special flowers which can grow best in this season and which will be beneficial in your garden. Can bloom. Colors may scatter. According to the Indian weather, these flowers can be planted well in the garden from January to March.

antirrhinum snapdragon

The name of this plant may seem strange to you, but the beauty of the flower will fascinate you. These colorful flowers require very little care and can be easily planted in the garden in winter. Once the seeds are sown they germinate within 7-10 days.


This is another plant that can be planted to enhance the beauty of your garden in winter, and it comes in many shapes and sizes. Its colorful flowers can be very good for giving a new look to your garden. Flowers start appearing in these in 15-20 days.


Pansy is also known as beanflower and it has about 500 species. It can be planted in your garden in different colors and sizes. Although they can bloom all season, the short winter season is good for the hybrid plants available today.


If you like small flowers of different colors, then these plants can be very good for your home garden. It also gives off a light fragrance at night, which feels good. This is a very beautiful flowering plant.

calendula (Winter Plants For Your Garden)

Calendula is a flower of Marigold species, which you can plant in the garden during the winter season. This is the easiest flower to grow. Which does not require much maintenance. This makes the garden more beautiful.

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