Microsoft 365 will no longer be available on Windows 10, know the next step – Obnews

Do you use Microsoft Office 365? If yes, then you may soon get a big shock. Microsoft has announced that support for Office 365 apps will be discontinued on Windows 10.

According to the company, Microsoft Office 365 will not work on Windows 10 after October 14, 2025. If you want to continue using Office 365, you'll need to upgrade your system to Windows 11.

The journey of Office 365 will end with Windows 10
Microsoft has said, “Windows 10 users will not be able to use Microsoft 365 Apps after October 14, 2025.” Not only this, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 users will also have to lose Office 365. If you want to use Office 365, it will be mandatory to upgrade your system to Windows 11.

Free upgrade opportunity
Users who have the original Windows 10 can upgrade to Windows 11 absolutely free. But those who are using pirated (fake) Windows 10 will not be able to update to Windows 11.

Does your system have 2.0 Chip?
To upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11, your system must have a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 2.0 chip. If this chip is not in your system, you will not be able to upgrade to Windows 11.

Time till 14th October
However, the company has said that Windows 10 users can use Office 365 till October 14, 2025. After this they will need to be upgraded.

If your system is ready for Windows 11, then upgrade soon so that you do not face any interruption in work.

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