What are the causes of constipation and its dangerous effects? Learn from the doctor

Lifestyle diseases are increasing these days, and among them, stomach related diseases are the most common. One of the major problems is constipation, which causes stomach cramps, discomfort and difficulty in freshening up. The most common cause of constipation is an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes unhealthy eating habits, alcohol consumption, and not getting enough sleep.

problems caused by constipation
The digestive system can become weak due to accumulation of excess stool in the intestines.
Prolonged constipation causes problems with urination, and can increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
Harmful elements present in stool can go back into the body, which can worsen our health.
Due to constipation, the possibility of infection and inflammation in the intestines increases.
Frequent constipation can also increase the risk of colon cancer.
Expert advice
The problem of constipation can be so serious that sometimes the patient is able to freshen up only three times a week. They have so much difficulty in freshening up that they have to apply pressure with their entire body, which can worsen the pain and sometimes even lead to infection in the large intestines.

Ways to avoid constipation
As per doctor's advice, to avoid constipation we should make some simple changes in our daily routine:

Exercise daily, so that the body remains flexible and healthy.
Reduce carbohydrate intake and increase fiber intake.
Promote green vegetables in your diet, especially green leafy vegetables.
Make a habit of drinking enough water, as it keeps the body hydrated and keeps the intestines healthy.
And what do experts say?
The doctor says that constipation is a lifestyle disease, which is caused by metabolic disorder. This can be even more troublesome when the metabolism is weak. Therefore, it is important to eat food rich in fiber, because it is good for metabolism. Apart from this, immunity in the elderly weakens with age, due to which they often have to resort to medicines to treat constipation.

To avoid constipation, it is very important to adopt right diet and lifestyle. By adopting right habits, you can avoid this problem and improve your health.

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