Eating these things with tomatoes will cure diabetes, know now
Latest News (Health Tips) :- According to Ayurveda, tomato, cucumber and bitter gourd are rich in antibiotic and antidiabetic properties. There is also a proverb that if you take red tomato, cucumber along with it, juice with bitter gourd, diabetes should stay away. According to which, if these three things are taken regularly with some water, then health improves.
Just as tomato increases a person's appetite, it also secretes helpful enzymes in the digestive system. Apart from this, being sour, it controls the blood level in diabetic patients and removes the weakness caused by the disease. On the other hand, cucumber compensates for the deficiency of essential metals in the body and gives strength. It can be eaten as a salad by adding lemon juice.
Bitter gourd is astringent in taste which destroys diabetes caused by phlegm and bile. Apart from this, all three are helpful in the first stage of constipation, piles, swelling in the liver or any kind of kidney related problem. Bitter gourd works like insulin in preventing sugar level from increasing.
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