To make children honest? So it is very important for parents to avoid these mistakes
Parenting Tips: It is the wish of every parent that their children should become honest and a true person in life. But developing honesty in children is not done only through words, for this, parents have to take care of behavior also.
If you want your children to become honest, then you will also have to adopt honesty in your life and set a good example for them. Many times, due to small mistakes made by parents, children are not able to understand the true meaning of honesty. Let us understand through this article how you can make your children honest.
be honest with yourself
If you want your children to adopt honesty throughout their life, then first of all you have to become a role model for them. Whatever children learn, they learn from their parents. Whatever you do, children will also do the same. Therefore, if you have the habit of lying, then end it and adopt the habit of telling the truth. In this way, you present yourself as an example to your children and the children also learn by watching you.
respect children's words
Many times it happens that when children honestly tell something to their parents, the parents start scolding them and shouting at them. Because of which children start the habit of lying. No matter what the matter may be, if the child has told you something honestly, then his words should be respected and the children should be explained lovingly.
breaking promises
Parents often make many promises to their children while talking, that we will get you this, we will get you that or we will take you on a trip here. But when these promises are not fulfilled, the children's heart gets broken and they start considering the parents' promises as false, and this starts having a negative impact on the children.
judging children
If you repeatedly judge your children about their thinking or anything, it can hurt their feelings. When you criticize instead of understanding what they say, they start feeling insecure. The result of this is that children start hiding their feelings from you and their honesty towards you starts decreasing.
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