Too much enterobacteriaceae in the intestine is a threat to health, include fiber rich food in the diet.

Health News: It is very important to have a proper diet for good health. With the change in weather, changes in the diet are also seen. Many times, consuming too many unhealthy things in food starts having adverse effects on health. Here, the diet should be rich in fiber for serious stomach problems. According to a report published in 'Nature Microbiology', the composition of the gut microbiome is more likely to cause life-threatening infections in a person suffering from Klebsiella pneumoniae, E.coli and other germs. Can help estimate possible probabilities.

Know what was revealed in the report

Let us tell you that food affects the intestines of a healthy person. According to the report here, the level of a group of bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae is low in the microbiome. Which includes Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, E.coli and others. Apart from this, factors like increased inflammation in the body or eating contaminated food can cause illness and disease.

Here, when too much Enterobacteriaceae grows in the intestine, it becomes life threatening. To complete this research, researchers used computational approaches, including AI, to analyze the gut microbiome composition of more than 12,000 people from stool samples from 45 countries.

What did we find out in the research?

Let us tell you that during the research here, 135 gut microbe species were identified which are usually found in the absence of Enterobacteriaceae, whose function possibly protects against infection. A group of bacteria called Faecalibacterium breaks down the fiber in the foods we eat to create beneficial compounds called short-chain fatty acids that are one of the protective gut species.

Get relief from fiber rich food

Let us tell you that, if you want to improve your intestines then it is very important to change your diet here. Regarding this, researchers say that if you include more fiber rich foods in your diet, it can help in the growth of good bacteria and remove bad bacteria. While it helps reduce the risk of disease, it is also potentially important in controlling the possibility of infection from many types of bacteria, including E.coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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That said, by eating fiber in foods like vegetables, beans and whole grains in this diet, we can provide our gut bacteria with the raw materials to make short-chain fatty acids.

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