If you want to stay safe from banking scams then do not make this mistake even by mistake, otherwise scammers will take away all your hard-earned money.

Tech News Desk – Cyber ​​and banking frauds are increasing rapidly in the last few years. Often we hear about such incidents in which people have been duped by scammers. Recently the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released a report on the increase in cases of banking fraud in the financial year 2024. From April to September, 18,461 fraud cases were registered, in which a total of Rs 21,367 crore was defrauded. This is much higher than last year, when only 14,480 cases were registered and there was a loss of Rs 2,623 crore. Let us tell you that recently a similar case came to light, in which a girl was looking for a work-from-home job for herself.

During this time he saw an advertisement on Instagram and clicked on the link given in it. He filled a form on the link and gave his information. In the next step of the form, bank details were asked, after sharing which an OTP came on his phone. As soon as he posted it on the website, he received a payment request for 'registration fee' on the PhonePe app. He accepted it without thinking. After this his account was blocked and the amount was deducted from the bank. In such a situation, to avoid this kind of fraud, you have to keep some things in mind.

What is banking fraud?
In banking fraud, scammers try to steal people's personal and financial information fraudulently. They trap people by using emails, messages, phone calls and fake websites. According to cyber security expert Tushar Sharma, scammers take advantage of people's weaknesses and technical flaws. They commit fraud using techniques like social engineering, phishing, malware and fake banking apps.

How many types of banking fraud are there?
Here we will tell you about some common banking frauds, which are generally used to cheat people. The first of these is synthetic identity fraud, in which a fake identity is created by mixing real and fake information. Apart from this, phishing and spear phishing are the most famous methods of scamming, in which sensitive information is obtained through fake emails or messages. Mobile banking fraud is also included in this list, in which the phone number is hijacked to bypass 2FA. Scammers use the device to steal ATM data through ATM skimming and card cloning. Scammers also trap people through fake loan fraud, in which they try to cheat people in the name of giving loans.

How to avoid banking fraud?
Check government schemes and offers only on the official website.
Do not click on unknown links.
And don't send money to suspicious people.
Always keep checking bank statements and transaction history.
Do not share your OTP, PIN and bank details with anyone.
Report any kind of fraud immediately to the bank and cyber crime portal.

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