If your teeth have turned yellow, remove the yellowness with your own hands at home, here are effective home remedies.
Teeth Whitening Home Remedies: Who doesn't like clean and shiny teeth? Clean and shiny teeth enhance your personality. But, if teeth are not cleaned properly, yellowness occurs on the teeth. Once yellowness occurs, it is not easily removed even after brushing. In such a situation, some home remedies can be effective in making teeth white again. Let us know about these home remedies-
3 surefire ways to remove yellowness of teeth
use banana peel
According to experts, you can use banana peel daily to remove yellowness of teeth. Because magnesium and potassium are found in it. Which can be good for your teeth. You can rub the peel gently on the teeth, after which brush and clean the teeth thoroughly.
use apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to brighten yellow teeth. For this, make mouthwash by mixing 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water. Swish this solution inside the mouth for 30 seconds.
Then rinse with water and brush. However, it should not be used excessively, otherwise it may cause damage to the teeth. Use it for a short time only.
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Use mustard oil and salt
If you have excessive yellowness in your teeth, you can use salt and mustard oil once a week. For this, you have to take half a spoon of salt and add a few drops of mustard oil in it, after that massage it on the teeth with your finger. Apart from this, to overcome this problem, you must brush twice a day and try to rinse with water after eating.
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