Important information about stomach cancer, symptoms, causes and prevention: Stomach Cancer
Stomach Cancer: When it comes to health, many times we do not know what disease we are struggling with. And if it comes to cancer, then many times the cancer is detected at the last stage. That's cancer. If we talk about stomach cancer then it is very difficult to deal with it. Stomach cancer is also called gastric cancer. This is a cancer that affects the stomach. Stomach cancer occurs then. When the cells in the stomach go out of control and they take the form of a tumor.
There are many types of stomach cancer
There are many types of cancer that often occur in the stomach, of which the most common type is adenocarcinoma. Which is often seen happening in people. Apart from this, stomach cancer includes lymphoma, sarcoma, neuroendocrine tumor and gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) which are rare.
Causes of stomach cancer
There is no exact cause of stomach cancer but there can be many such reasons. Due to which the risk of stomach cancer may increase.
Smoking – If you smoke too much then the risk of stomach cancer may increase. Because smoking affects your entire body. Its effect is especially severe on the stomach.
Diet- Nowadays people eat too much from outside, which includes processed food, junk food and red meat etc. which is no less than a threat to your stomach. Due to which you eat less fruits and vegetables. And you become more at risk of getting stomach cancer. Along with eating outside food, the risk also increases due to spicy things like salty, biscuits, pickles etc.
Stomach Surgery-If you have had any kind of stomach related surgery, your risk of getting cancer also increases.
Family history-If someone close to you has had stomach cancer, the risk of getting cancer also increases.
symptoms of stomach cancer
-In the beginning you do not feel many symptoms. One just feels that the food is not being digested properly. Or there has been some infection.
-In its initial stage, there is severe stomach pain or swelling in the stomach. You feel swelling in the stomach separately.
-You start feeling less interested in food. Also there is no nausea and hunger.
-When cancer starts growing, symptoms like anemia and fatigue start developing.
Test to detect stomach cancer
First of all, the doctor finds out what kind of symptoms are seen. And if there is stomach cancer, then endoscopy is done in which it is found out whether there is any tumor, then after that a small piece is taken through biopsy and sent for testing. In which it is detected whether there is cancer or not.
stomach cancer treatment
Chemotherapy and sometimes other modalities such as radiotherapy or targeted therapy are also used as they can help improve outcomes. Apart from this, doctors treat cancer after seeing its stage.
during treatment
During the treatment, the doctor absolutely forbids the patient to smoke and drink alcohol. Also asked to do some exercises like deep breathing and walking. Also, people who have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or lung diseases are advised to take proper care of themselves.
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