IIT Baba Abhay accused of insulting Guru and tradition, expelled from Juna Akhara

New Delhi. In the Sannyasa tradition, Guru is considered equal to parents and God. But Baba Abhay from IIT not only broke this tradition, but also raised questions on the dignity of the Akhara by betraying his guru Someshwar Puri. Due to these allegations, Juna Akhara expelled Baba Abhay.

Insulting the teacher became the reason for expulsion.
According to sources, Baba Abhay is accused of insulting his guru Someshwar Puri several times and accusing him of conspiracy. He was explained many times by the Akhara and was also given a chance to improve. First he was removed from one camp and sent to another, but there was no change in his behavior.

Chief Patron gave strict decision
Hari Giri Maharaj, the chief patron of Juna Akhara, decided to expel Baba Abhay considering it a violation of the tradition of the Akhara. Now Baba Abhay will neither be able to stay in any camp of Juna Akhara nor participate in any program.

Popularity and addiction allegations
Baba Abhay has accused his guru that due to his increasing popularity he was thrown out of the Akhara. However, other saints of Juna Akhara say that Abhay often spoke inappropriately while drunk and despite the Sanyasis trying to convince him, his behavior got worse instead of improving.

Importance of Guru and protection of tradition
The saints of the Akhara say that the Guru is considered equal to God and the tradition remains alive only because of his humility and obedience. Abhay's behavior shocked this tradition, due to which he had to be shown the way out.

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