If you want a good sleep at night, then just follow these 9 tips, you will get a peaceful sleep…

New Delhi:- Everyone from children to adults has a mobile phone. Nowadays people use mobile phones more and remain busy on them the whole day, due to which the risk of many problems increases. One of these problems is lack of sleep, in fact getting good sleep is very important for health. With this you will remain happy and energetic throughout the day. Good sleep helps in healing and detoxification of our mind and body. Physical and mental problems can be avoided by good sleep.

Dr. Deeksha says that staring at a mobile phone for a long time can cause strain on the eyes and lead to digital eye syndrome or computer vision syndrome. Along with this, he further said that 99 percent of patients suffering from auto-immune disorders, hormonal imbalance, skin problems, cancer, lupus and thyroid can feel better by improving the quality of their sleep.

According to the NHLBI – National Institutes of Health website, lack of sleep can cause many problems.

Poor sleep can cause many problems. Lack of sleep can cause mental problems like anxiety, depression, and bad mood. Besides, it can also cause physical problems like heart disease, diabetes and weight gain.
According to sleepfoundation, tips to get good sleep at night

Try to wake up early in the morning. Starting your day with the sun can help you feel in tune with nature. By doing this you will fall asleep quickly at night.

Drink warm milk or tea before sleeping.

Turmeric milk or herbal tea like chamomile, brahmi, rose, blue pea flower tea gives relief to the intestines as well as the mind.

Practice nasal breathing. Doing this helps you to calm down.

Avoid using phone or TV while lying in bed.

Take a bath before going to bed. In this way it can help in removing fatigue throughout the day.

Massage your feet. By doing this you will feel warm, your mind and body will get relaxation.

Put 2 drops of cow ghee in the nose.

The best way to start and end the day is prayer. Pray for this.

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