Mussoorie boosts transport: Golf Carts, shuttles, traffic lights for tourists, locals

Dehradun: In a bid to enhance the convenience of local residents and tourists in Mussoorie, Dehradun District Magistrate Savin Bansal has introduced a series of measures including the operation of golf carts, shuttle services, satellite parking, traffic lights, and municipal council bus services.

These initiatives aim to improve the overall infrastructure and promote the brand image of Mussoorie while addressing environmental pollution and traffic management concerns.

Training sessions have been organized for rickshaw pullers

A significant step has been taken to boost the economy of rickshaw drivers in Mussoorie. Training sessions have been organized to equip rickshaw pullers with the skills needed to drive golf carts. This initiative not only provides an eco-friendly mode of transportation but also ensures that the interests of local rickshaw operators are safeguarded. The district administration has fixed the rates for golf cart services to maintain affordability for both tourists and local residents.

Golf carts will operate on five designated routes

As per the orders of the District Magistrate, golf carts will operate on five designated routes to ensure smooth transportation within the town. The fare for these routes has been set at Rs. 80 per person for the following routes: Picture Palace to Jhulaghar and vice versa, Jhulaghar to Library Chowk and vice versa, Picture Palace to Landour and vice versa, and Green Chowk to Ambedkar Chowk via Camels Bank Road and vice versa. Additionally, the fare from Library Chowk to Company Garden and vice versa has been fixed at Rs. 120 per person.

Traffic lights have been installed at five strategic locations

In addition to the golf cart service, traffic lights have been installed at five strategic locations to manage traffic flow and reduce congestion. This move is expected to significantly improve traffic management and enhance the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles. Furthermore, the district administration has introduced shuttle services and satellite parking facilities to accommodate the influx of tourists, especially during peak seasons. The municipal council will also operate bus services to provide an efficient and affordable means of transportation for residents and visitors alike.

A positive impact on Mussoorie’s economy

These measures are expected to have a positive impact on Mussoorie’s economy by attracting more tourists and providing better job opportunities for local residents. As the town prepares for an influx of visitors, the administration’s efforts to maintain smooth and secure facilities will undoubtedly contribute to the sustainable development of Mussoorie.

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