Magic formula to look young and beautiful
Formula for Beauty: If you want to remain healthy and look beautiful and attractive, then you need to make changes in your diet.
The hottest topic these days is anti-aging! Everyone is searching for that magical formula (or rather superfood) that will keep us young from inside and if possible, reverse the effects of age. But is this really possible? Can aging be stopped? Not too difficult!
White Magic- Embrace Yogurt
Yogurt has all the benefits of milk along with probiotics, which increase the good bacteria in our intestines and keep the digestive system fit. It also boosts our immunity, because 70 percent of the immunity is in our gut (intestine), so if it is sluggish then it has a negative effect on the immunity. The rich calcium present in curd strengthens the bones and teeth. Also, it helps in the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that strengthens skin and tissue and reduces wrinkles. Not only this, the vitamin C, zinc and calcium present in it help in keeping the collagen protein strands firmly connected, due to which your skin remains young even with ageing.
Select the right oils
As we age, our biggest concerns are usually declines in mental functions such as thinking, remembering and learning (which are linked to the brain's neural activity) and the function of other organs, especially the heart. Problems. In such a situation, it becomes very important to choose the right oils. Keep your intake of saturated fats (e.g. butter, ghee) low (don't skip them at all) and pay attention to the right ratio of monosaturated and polysaturated fatty acids (as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) to reduce LDL cholesterol, which clogs the arteries. Sticks, stay low and increase beneficial HDL cholesterol. The mind also remains happy with this balance. And the most important thing is that you should try to ensure that two spoons of oil per person per day is the right amount.
drink green tea
The refreshing secret of tea has been revealed. The secret behind this is anti-oxidants. These are the same nutrients that are in our food and drinks and help protect the body from oxidative damage and control free radicals. Tea contains a special element called flavonoids, which prevents cell damage and helps reduce the risk of age-related brain degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.
eat colorful, stay young
Rainbows never seem to get old, so why should you? It may seem a bit cliché, but it is true. The truth is that a Rainbow Thali is the easiest and best way to provide your body with tons of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, bioflavonoids and other nutrients that protect against aging. In simple words – guarantee of a healthy and long life! So let every color have its share of the plate
Make yellow, purple, blue, green, orange, red and as many more as you can.
Focus on brain foods
Here the fish wins the battle. Its biggest feature is the essential fatty acids like Omega-3 present in it.
Acids. It has been proven in many studies that Omega-3 not only strengthens the memory but also prevents mental weakness with age. If we talk about fish, salmon is the best because these fatty acids are found in abundance in it. Just walnuts and flax seeds in your diet
Add it in, and you won't feel the omega-3 deficiency.
reduce sugar
Eating too much sugar increases inflammation in the body. It increases obesity, diabetes and other diseases as well as wrinkles. If you want to take better care of your skin and health, then stay away from sugar.
Say no to white things
There is no white color in the rainbow, and there should not be too much white stuff in your diet either! Here 'white' means refined things like white flour, salt, sugar etc.
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